Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama Speech - Teleprompter Goes Out

Here is a timeless classic that I just now found, two days after posting my previous entry in which I wrote of this very thing. It seems that I wasn't just making it up after all. LOL. You will forgive me for not being able to bear watching this myself. I read several of the comments instead and got the gist of it. One of those 1,600-plus comments is posted below the video. The commenter has had the same experience that I had. YouTube commenter (with punctuation, capitalization and one crude word corrected by me): "This almost confirms what I said before this man was elected. Within my circle of friends I was almost accused of being racist 'cause I said that Obama is gonna be same [@#$%] different face, just like in the past. I think I was right, and I think I'll continue to be right. Until the Federal reserve system is dissolved, every US president is going to be more of the same. ..."