Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hooray for Obushma

This needs no intro:
The More Things "Change," Episode 1,723 Posted by Mike Tennant at 08:23 AM at Obama, who ... correctly criticized President Bush for having issued signing statements nullifying portions of bills he'd signed, just "issued one of his own, declaring five provisions in the spending bill [which he signed] to be unconstitutional and nonbinding, including one aimed at preventing punishment of whistleblowers."
It's a race with the clock. Will average Americans snap out of their fairy-tale fantasies before the elections of 2012? Of course they won't. By my even asking such a silly question, I could correctly be accused of living in a fairy-tale fantasy myself. Even if their favorite political heroes personally stole their houses from them and smacked them alongside their heads with a 2x4, most Americans would still cling to their fairy-tale fantasies — while also continuing to laugh at, malign, demonize and/or ridicule the one or two politicians who actually want to save this country and the Constitution upon which it was founded.