Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Statistical "Anomaly"

This is pretty curious.

What do you think the odds are of lightening striking an almost identical number of times -- AND in an almost identical fashion -- in 50 of 53 predesignated locations in California on the same night?

California probably has the most diverse population in the United States, and the diversity varies wildly from one region of the state to the next. Soooooo....

Regardless of your personal preferences -- because this blog entry is all about "anomalies," not personal preferences (neither yours nor mine) --, I would like you to witness this statistical "anomaly" with your very own eyes. It should only take about 30 seconds for you to get the idea, IF you follow these three very simple steps after you click the link below:

1.) Click on District 1 and look at the bar chart.
2.) Click on the "Next District" link in the upper-right corner of the page and look at the bar chart in District 2.
3.) Keep clicking on the "Next District" link and keep looking at the bar charts.

I suspect that such an "anomaly" would be statistically impossible without the magical "efficiency" of computers.

In Conclusion Even if you could care less about this statistical "anomaly," would you please leave a comment to let me know that you at least took a look? You don't have to write anything other than, "OK, I looked. I see the 'anomaly.' Have a nice day." In fact, you are welcome to copy and paste that quote into the comment box.