Saturday, January 01, 2005

The New Year: Changing a 4 to a 5... Wow...

Before reading this entry, please be sure to read the previous entry.

Date: Friday, December 31, 2004 11:53:15 PM

Topic: The New Year: Changing a 4 to a 5... Wow...

What a let down. The alcohol did nothing for me, except to prove to me, once and for all, that it is a waste of time and money (at least for me). It caused me to utter funny comments for about twenty minutes (I can be pretty entertaining when under the influence). After the funniness wore off, I just talked A LOT (which is code for TOO MUCH).

It didn't make me feel better, except that I know I can relax and enjoy living without it from now on.

The effects have already worn off.

It is now fifteen seconds away from the new year here in western Nebraska. ....... Now 10.... now... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh. :-)

I feel different already.

Now what am I gonna do...?

I hate New Year's Eve.

:-/ :-\ :-| :-)